Different types of content that will increase your traffic today

Don’t just stick to one format.  Blogs are great but to keep your content fresh and interesting use pictures, infographics and video to increase your chances of being shared. 

Different types of content that will increase your traffic today
  • Infographics are up to three times more likely to be shared than regular content – which means more views, more prospects, and potentially, more sales. They are great for displaying data and research in bite-size, easy-to-digest formats. Since most people are visual learners, your readers will also take away more information. They’ll feel like they’ve learnt something, which is incredibly important for building trust and credibility.  
Video is becoming increasingly popular. IPads and YouTube have combined to make this format incredibly accessible – especially for busy people who have limited time to read more traditional written content. ”
  • EBooks, Guides and Market Reports are fantastic at capturing prospect data for ongoing lead nurturing. The report could be a simple buyers’ guide giving impartial advice and things to consider before making a purchase.  It may be a report which has analysed 3rd party data and aggregated the findings into a useful and interesting article.  Or it may be a report on the findings of original research you’ve conducted, analysing stats, identifying industry trends and future predictions.  But don’t give away this information for free – this type of content is valuable and as such you should ask for a name and contact information before download.
  • Video is becoming increasingly popular.  IPads and YouTube have combined to make this format incredibly accessible – especially for busy people who have limited time to read more traditional written content.  What’s more, Facebook and Twitter have started to prioritise native video, making it a format that businesses can’t afford to ignore. Case studies work brilliantly on video, as do mini tutorials.  
  • Webinars and Podcasts are a great way of giving live presentations about industry challenges and solutions, or hosting an open-discussion between industry experts, without the cost of hiring a venue.  It’s also a lot easier for delegates to log-in from the comfort of their own desks without having to take too much time out of their day.  And it doesn’t matter if someone can’t make the event because they can download and view or listen at their convenience.  
  • Interactive content is highly engaging and excellent at encouraging sharing and social community building.  According to Buzzfeed, quizzes, polls and surveys are one of the most popular pieces of content. Best of all, you get to know a little bit more about your users. It’s free market research! You can do a similar thing with an online calculator tool, which is often used by financial service providers. Think about your business – how could you use a quiz, a poll or even a calculator to engage with your audience? 
  • Case Studies are excellent second stage content, which nurture prospects along the marketing funnel by providing evidence and the reassurance that you know what you’re doing.  Prospects are interested in what you have to say, they may have already downloaded a report – now it’s time to show them what you’ve done and who you’ve done it for.  Case studies can take the form or written content or video – you could even invite clients to be a panel member on a webinar.


If you found this blog useful Download our FREE Guide to Content Marketing containing 26 pages of advice and practical tips on how to transform your website into a lead and revenue generating tool for your business.


Related Reading

B2B influencer marketing - does it work?

The importance of B2B branding 

B2B Customer retention strategies explained 

10 B2B content marketing ideas 

Everything you need to know about the B2B sales funnel


This post was written by:

Tanya Hardie

Tanya is the Marketing Services Manager of Tiga Creative Marketing and manages the content, search, paid advertising and Marketing Automation team.
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