From families to friends to work colleagues, over the last decade, WhatsApp has grown from a tech disrupter with a quirky name (who remembers the 90s TV commercial?) to become the favoured form of digital communication for most of us. With an estimated 100 billion messages sent instantly and securely every day to individuals and Groups, this key component of the Metaverse has entered the lexicon as a verb to get in touch, “I’ll WhatsApp you later!”
While almost all of us in business use WhatsApp regularly, how many of us knew there was also a WhatsApp dedicated to business? In this blog post, we take a look at the features of WhatsApp for Business and the opportunities it presents for improving brand-to-customer communication.
One of the most convenient and effective ways to reach a large audience is by utilising the features of WhatsApp for Business. This messaging platform allows you to effortlessly share your message with a broad group of people in just a single click.
brands can gain valuable insights into the audience interacting with them on the platform”
Whether you're looking to offer promotional discounts, promote an upcoming event, invite people to participate in a survey or gather feedback, WhatsApp provides a streamlined and efficient way to connect with your target audience and keep them engaged with your brand. With its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities, WhatsApp is an invaluable tool for businesses and individuals seeking to expand their reach and enhance communication strategies.
With WhatsApp for Business, sending order notifications, payment requests, and shipping updates is possible. Connecting your CRM or other platform triggers personalised messages to be sent at the appropriate time. With this feature, you can rest assured that your clients will receive timely and accurate updates on essential details, ensuring a smooth and efficient service.
To ensure your newsletters receive the attention they deserve, consider sending them through your client's preferred communication channel. WhatsApp messages have proven to be effective, with an average opening rate of 98%. Sharing long-form content via WhatsApp Group can be a game-changer for businesses looking to boost conversions and increase brand awareness. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to gain valuable insights into topics that potential subscribers consider essential. By leveraging this powerful communication tool, you can engage with your audience meaningfully and drive business growth.
WhatsApp is a versatile platform that can be used for more than just marketing. In addition to promoting products and services, it can be used for customer service inquiries. Using WhatsApp for Business, multiple users can access the platform from one central view, making managing and responding to client inquiries easier. This streamlined approach ensures that businesses can provide prompt and efficient service to their clients, building lasting relationships and enhancing customer satisfaction. So, to take your business to the next level, consider using WhatsApp for Business as a go-to platform for all your B2B customer service and sales needs.
Ultimately utilising the popular messaging app provides a user-friendly platform for companies to send messages, share files, and engage with customers more efficiently and personally. By using WhatsApp for Business, companies can increase their reach, improve communication, and strengthen customer relationships, increasing sales and profitability.
This post was written by:
Steve is co-owner of Tiga Creative Marketing
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