• Building a content hub
    Building a content hub

You will need to build an area on your website, which is navigable directly from the home page to host and manage your content.

Many companies have actually transformed their entire home page into a content hub – so instead of leading with products and services they focus on thought-leadership and information sharing. Ultimately, they see this as their most valuable brand asset.

Make no mistake, and many companies do, building a content hub requires a dedicated resource and budget. To keep things fresh you need a steady supply of high quality content on subjects and issues that are current and interesting. If you wouldn’t read it in a trade magazine or newspaper why on earth would anyone else.

You may need to commission research, analyse and offer expert opinion on market indicators, create professionally produced videos or design eye-catching infographics. Whatever you do, it needs to be scheduled and planned around your company’s marketing, PR and sales objectives.

Read more about Tiga digital marketing agency in Kent and our b2b content marketing services.


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The Five Stages of the Marketing funnel